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Take Self-Care personally!

This month, with the promises made to myself to live a little, I took a good look in the mirror and honestly felt as if my body was looking crazy. I think we are harder on ourselves than anyone else and we should be. I took a step forward and tried a hot palates class. Did I love it? “No”. I thought it was quite interesting. I did like the heat, the music and the exercise poses. Girl, I was in pain for days. Palates is about the core and it took this class for me to realize that I’m weak. I want a flat stomach but don’t have the strength to hold my legs in the air with my back lifted off the ground for more than a second. So please take a moment and visualize the hot mess I really was, thanking God for the dimmed lights. I hid in shame but I stayed with it and never gave up throughout the class. We don’t quit we push through!

I have to admit, in the past, I was addicted to Bikram Yoga, and where I can proudly can say I lost over fifty pounds. It was less about the weight lost and more about my mind, body and soul. I felt a sense of peace and centering that I haven’t found doing anything else. My mind was lite, my patience was on a level of ten (10); with that being the highest. I felt great.

If I compared the two, I enjoyed Bikram more; and here are the reasons why, the room was hotter, any class you attended practiced the same poses and you left your ego at the door. The positioning of the class was based on who was more experienced. If you were new you stayed by the door awaiting that moment the teacher opens it. Gracing you with that cool air. Oh how delightful that was. So to make a long story short my heart is still with Bikram yoga and I’m looking forward to returning soon.

I think as women we need to embrace who we are and not cover it in makeup or undergarments that snatch us to the Gods. Now let me be honest. You will always see me with makeup and I will always have on something to hold this stomach in. That’s just me lol. However, I am working on being more fit and taking better care of my skin. This is all about spending that necessary time with yourself.

I have learned to accept that I hate doing things alone. I would rather have a friend with me. I need that push. I need that ride or die to hold me down. Come to my house knock on the door drag me out and say girl you want to be snatched right. But I have also learn to hate this horrible truth about myself. I should have the courage and will power to move alone. All I need is me, all I need is my determination.

At the end of the day, we live and we learn. 2019 thus far has taught me to move with God. It has taught me to trust in myself, push myself, and do it your damn SELF!

I’m trusting the process as I believe in me.


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